It is important to know the current situation of your organization. A security scan will help you do this as a starting point for improving digital resistance, or as a reference point for security efforts that are already in place.

Whether you want a quick and simple insight, to be certified for IEC 62443, to measure compliance with a cybersecurity standard, or an investigation into the specific vulnerabilities that exist in your installation, we always have a suitable security scan for your organization. Together with you, we determine your needs so that the scan will fully comply with these needs. Below you can see some examples of security scans that we can do for you.

Risk & Vulnerability Analysis

Hudson Cybertec specializes in carrying out risk and vulnerability analysis within the IACS domain. A risk analysis is the basis for measuring the cyber security level within your organization. Hudson Cybertec performs these based on leading standards frameworks such as the IEC 62443 or the ISO 27000, and legal requirements.

Depending on the depth of the analysis, aspects such as, actors, scenarios, inputs and vulnerabilities are investigated. You receive a clear overview of the possible consequences of the vulnerabilities found. In addition, attention is paid to the risks and consequences of vulnerabilities of various resources such as SCADA, SIS, HVAC, communication systems, gateways or firewalls.

Hudson Cybertec helps you to take the right steps to mitigate the identified risks and vulnerabilities by providing you with support after a security assessment. We assist you with the creation of an action plan, the assignment of priorities for the identified mitigating measures and the implementation of these measures.

IEC 62443 Assessment

A Security Assessment according the IEC 62443 provides you with a comprehensive overview of the current state of cyber resilience of your organization. We take a specific look at the three pillars of cyber security: people, process and technology. The assessment contains GAP-analyses where we test the current situation against the IEC 62443 standard. Of course a GAP analysis can also be done against other standards or industry best practices.

The results of the assessment give a clear picture of the current security resilience level of your organization. This is the first necessary step for the introduction of a responsible cyber security management in your organization.

In dialogue with our customers

My organization understands the need for cybersecurity for process automation. We want to increase our digital resilience. But where should we start?
Hudson Cybertec
A very good question, because you don't want to take random measures. One of our experienced consultants will visit you to discuss your situation. We often carry out a technical and organizational assessment to determine how your organization is doing in the field of cyber security. To this end, discussions are held, documentation is studied and network traffic is temporarily monitored locally with our monitoring solution OT Insight. The advisory report that you receive afterwards gives you insight into your current situation and gives you a clear roadmap to take the right steps to increase your digital resilience.

In the spotlight

Monitoring your OT environment is essential. You know what is happening on your network and see to what extent you are compliant with various cyber security standards and laws and regulations.

IEC 62443 Standard

The IEC 62443 standard offers your organization tools to improve the digital security and safety of your IACS environment. Implementation of the standard improves the cybersecurity level of your organization's OT / ICS / SCADA environment.

The IEC 62443 is the international cybersecurity standards framework for operational technology (OT). The framework consists of a collection of standards, technical reports and related information for securing Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS).

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Hudson Cybertec’s IEC 62443 Competence Center has extensive experience with this standard. We play an active role in the development of the standard, actively promote it internationally and have developed a training program around the IEC 62443.

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It is becoming increasingly important for organizations to be able to demonstrate that the digital security of the OT environment is in accordance with standards frameworks. It is therefore possible to certify (parts of) your IACS environment according to IEC 62443.

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If you want to know more about this standard and need training on how to apply it within your own organization or at your clients, Hudson Cybertec has a number of very interesting training courses for you.

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The IEC 62443 standard provides organizations with tools to improve the digital security and safety of OT / ICS / SCADA environments.

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How digitally safe is your organization?

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